Saturday, November 26

"Adventing" :)

This is going to be my 1st year observing Advent. It's something I didn't grow up doing probably because I didn't grow up in a "traditional Christian" home, but I am excited to experience this season in a new way, which I guess is an old way...I just haven't gotten into it ever, until now.

I think more than anything I want to do the opposite of what the world influences me to do. From Thanksgiving through Christmas, everything around me feels like hurry up, sugar rush, bright lights, discounts, excessiveness in the midst of emptiness. With Advent (which I like to think of as a baby shower for Jesus ;p) I just want to wait and listen. I don't know what that will be like, cause I talk a lot and get things done along the waiting and being silent is not "me", but here I am entering into a new kind of everyday.