Back in December, I read this book called, Penelope. It was on my flight back to Seattle after Christmas.
*This book was made into a movie, so if you are gonna go see it, don't read the rest of this entry*

In the story, this girl is cursed with the nose of a pig.
To break the curse she must find someone who loves her just as she is. So the whole time her family tries to hook her up with different guys. They are hoping these guys will fall in love with who Penelope is on the inside, before they see her face. Most of the guys freak out when they see this girl with the nose of a pig. Some even goes as far as calling her a "monster."
To skip way ahead, in the end, she learned to love herself just as she was. And because of that, SHE was the one who ultimately broke the curse.
Not some dude...she did it herself.
Oh snap!
Anyway...I love that book.
I am in that place myself right now...Not the nose part, but the self-love part.
God is slowly helping me to see myself as He sees me. I am learning to love who I am: my qualities, my heart, my appearance...every aspect and inch of how I was created. Even to admit that, has been a long, long process, but there is so much freedom in it.
I llove it!!I love it!!
So should I see the movie first or read the book?
Saw the movie this past weekend - it took forever to come out! I saw the first trailer for it last summer! At any rate, very nice movie - my mom would love it! Seems a little sad though that you are just coming around to loving/liking yourself. Think of everything that you have been missing! But I suppose everything has to happen in its own time. But now that you are coming to that realization, what are you going to do about it? How are you manifesting the love/like everyday? How do you get up in the morning? How do you walk down the street?
Okay, this is a pet peeve of mine - walking down the street. Do you greet the world - eyes open and head up? Or do you look at the ground, never meeting anyone's eye? This is very important and says alot about what you think about yourself.
By the way, liking yourself is a lot harder than loving yourself.
So, what you need to do in your new found state is figure out how the love/like will manifest itself within you. You are right, there is a lot of freedom in this new view but there is also responsibility.
I love you - you are so beautiful! And someone should let Robin know that once you've been in the good ol northwest a while, you will know better than to walk around downtown greeting everyone with your eyes. ESPECIALLY with someone has gorgeous as you - watchout! Hear this! Keep your head down. Wear fairy wings. And laugh maniacally from time to time for no apparent reason. Yes, that will keep the weirdos at bay.
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