Tuesday, October 14

God's fanclub

So I was driving home from class today, a riveting Multicultural Perspective class at SU (woop woop!), anyway, as usual after a long day of work, I am blastin Santogold, Prince, or Slightly Stoopid in my Mitsubishi (another woop!). I see a few cars in front of me with bumper stickers...there's "Obama 08", "Obama & Biden", "I can't afford to vote Republican"...etc.

Then I see this car with a sticker that says, "I don't have anything against God, it's His fanclub I can't stand" Huh.

It took me a hot minute to think about, but, I really loved that sticker. I was also really sad that there was so much truth in it. Throughout my day to day...as a student, in class, in this city, at work...I can see that so many people long for God, seek Him in different ways...and oddly how it's Christianity and Christians that can many times be this kryptonite, or bad taste, that turns people off and away from God.

Sometimes it turns me off.

Is God like "WTF?" when He sees the ignorance, exclusion, and unfriendliness that I have seen in some Christian lives. All these thoughts from this sticker...I want to be someone who is transparent, loving, and redeem whatever truth has been lost by this "fanclub".


nicholei said...

You're so funny. =) I can see you in happy land, smilin' and then the bumper sticker about the fanclub catching your eye and making you think. I think there can be a negative stigma on Christians sometimes. It's funny how some people won't even call themselves Christians BECAUSE of the negative stigma it has. I think that's why for those who have truly experienced the love of God and who have truly experienced a relationship with Him are the ones who can begin to break that stereotype down. They're the ones that love beyond a wrongdoing, or accept someone despite their past mistakes or regrets. I like!

tia* said...

I am all about breakin down stereotypes...now watch me do Soulja Boy! (sigh* inside joke). Yeah Nickie! I agree with you, and not just cause I love you ;)!!

Suggs said...

Beautiful. Well said.

The Wife of a MD said...

in my opinion, everyone who claims themselves with a particular religion plays a part in suggesting a normality (if i can even use that word) associated with that religion. for example, you're a democrat and you're a person of faith. someone else is a republican and s/he is also a believer. what both of you do respectively in terms of your actions and words are also representations of your faith. so who's to say what's "right" and what's "wrong"? do you see what i'm sayin?

tia* said...

I can understand that to a point. I think there is a right and a wrong, (not really talking about politics here). I was really focusing on the way I've noticed how Christians treat people sometimes. God calls us to "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other as Christ forgave you" - Ephesians 4:32. I know I have to work on this myself ;). Sometimes people who claim to be Christian, are so far from representing Christ's truth and love in their actions. I think that is when someone can say, "Hold up, that's not what Christ was about."

Anonymous said...

did you really just ask if God says "wtf?!" ;)

Anonymous said...

did you really just ask if God says "wtf?!" ;)