Wednesday, March 19

Amazing & Historic...'A More Perfect Union' by Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

awesome video- i actually believe that it's possible now, I believe that we could come together to do something greater - with Jesus' power and maybe more of Obama's speeches. :D

is it "blog-etiquette" to leave letter icons? :D

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that you would relate to Easter with the resurrection of Christ (True Fact), due to most of this generation relates to this religious holiday with the Easter Bunny and a time to get new dress apparel, and to ask the history behind Good Friday would possibly cause an abomination. Regardless, I must concur with your thoughts on this matter, Schools within this region couldn't decide if they should acknowledge this day
as a religious holiday, so sutdents and employees had a choice of taking the day off, pending their religious beliefs. Hhhmmm, that went well. I personally feel that as long as you know and can feel the true meaning of that special day, it really doesn't matter what calendar day it falls on. You appear to be a rare commodity in this day and age, I bet your parents are so very proud of you.

The Muffin Man.